التدعيم فى الاغذية له اهمية تكنولوجية وغذائية عاليه حيث يقدر على تحسين الصفات الجودة والغذائية للمنتج واليكم الكتاب التالى عن التدعيم ارجو ان يعجبكم
:كتاب رائع صراحة على الرغم من أن أسمة يشير انة للأنتاج فى الريف و لكن الكتاب يتناقش بأسلوب علمى فى الموضوعات التالية
1. Introduction
2. Milk as a food
3. The composition of milk
3.1 Genetic factors
3.1.1 Breed and individuality of the cow
3.2 Environmental factors
3.2.1 Interval between milkings
3.2.2 Stage of lactation
3.2.3 Age and health
3.2.4 Feeding regime
3.2.5 Completeness of milking
4. Milk chemistry
4.1 Physical status of milk
4.1.1 Ionic solutions
4.1.2 Molecular solutions
4.1.3 Colloids
4.1.4 Emulsions
4.1.5 Dispersions
4.2 pH and acidity
4.2.1 Buffer solutions
4.3 Milk constituents
4.3.1 Fat
4.3.2 Proteins
4.3.3 Carbohydrates
4.3.4 Minor milk constituents
5. Microbiology
5.1 Bacteria
5.1.1 Bacterial growth
5.1.2 Factors affecting bacterial growth
5.1.3 Bacteria in milk
5.2 Moulds
5.3 Yeasts
5.4 Viruses
5.5 Milk microbiology
5.5.1 Pasteurisation
5.5.2 Sterilisation
5.6 Microbiology of butter
5.6.1 Sources of contamination
5.6.2 Control of micro-organisms in butter
6. Clean milk production
6.1 Sources of contamination
6.1.1 The interior of the udder
6.1.2 The cow as a source of pathogens
6.1.3 Milking utensils
6.1.4 Miscellaneous sources of bacteria in milk
6.2 Cooling milk
7. Milk reception, dairy accounting and record keeping
7.1 Reception
7.1.1 Quality
7.1.2 Quantity
7.1.3 Composition of milk
7.1.4 Adulteration of milk
7.2. Dairy accounting and record keeping
7.2.1 Milk quantity and quality
7.2.2 Processing records
7.2.3 Records of product quality and sales
7.2.4 Suggested formats for records of milk intake, payment
and utilisation
8. Milk processing
8.1 Milk separation
8.1.1 Gravity separation
8.1.2 Centrifugal separation
8.1.3 Hand separator
8.1.4 Separator maintenance
8.1.5 Calculations
8.1.6 Standardisation of milk and cream
8.2 Buttermaking with fresh milk or cream
8.2.1 Buttermaking theory
8.2.2 Theory of the mechanism of churning
8.2.3 Churn preparation
8.2.4 Churning temperature
8.2.5 Washing the butter
8.2.6 Salting, working and packing the butter
8.2.7 Washing the churn and buttermaking equipment after use
8.2.8 Overrun and produce in buttermaking
8.2.9 Butter quality
8.3 Buttermaking with sour whole milk
8.3.1 Buttermaking
8.4 Ghee, butter oil and dry butterfat
8.5 Cheesemaking using fresh milk
8.5.1 Rennet coagulation theory
8.5.2 Cheese varieties
8.5.3 Cheese yield
8.6 Cheesemaking with sour skim milk
8.7 Milk fermentations
8.7.1 Fermented milks
8.7.2 Concentrated fermented milk
9. Cleaning, sanitising and sterilising dairy equipment
9.1 Dairy water supplies
9.1.1 Bacteriological quality
9.1.2 Chemical quality
9.1.3 Water softeners
9.2 Chemicals used for cleaning
9.2.1 Sterilisers
9.3 Cleaning procedure
10. Sampling and analysis of milk, milk products and water
10.1 Sampling
10.2 Milk pH
10.2.1 Measuring pH using indicator
10.2.2 Electrometric measurement of pH
10.3 Titratable acidity test
10.3.1 Using N/10 sodium hydroxide
10.3.2 Using N/9 sodium hydroxide (milk)
10.3.3 Using N/9 sodium hydroxide (cream)
10.4 Alcohol
10.5 Clot-on-boiling test
10.6 Fat determination
10.6.1 Milk
10.6.2 Skim milk, buttermilk and whey
10.6.3 Cream
10.6.4 Cheese
10.7 Specific gravity of milk
10.8 Total solids (TS) in milk
10.8.1 Lactometer method
10.8.2 Oven-drying method
10.9 Formaldehyde in milk
10.10 Methylene blue reduction test
10.11 Resazurin 10-minute test
10.12 Sediment or visible dirt test
10.13 Moisture content of butter
10.14 Salt content of butter
10.15 Protein content of milk by formaldehyde titration
10.16 Estimation of hardness in water
10.16.1 Temporary hardness
10.16.2 Permanent hardness
10.16.3 Water-testing tablets
11. Dairy building design and construction
11.1 Site selection
11.1.1 Water supply
11.1.2 Land
11.1.3 Other buildings
11.1.4 Proximity to the road
11.1.5 Effluent disposal
11.2 Type of building
11.2.1 Construction materials
11.3 Arrangement and installation of equipment
11.3.1 Arrangement
لو نظرت الى المحتوى تجد انة محتوى رائع فى عدد قليل من الصفحات فى ذكر بأيجاز و لكن معلومات كاملة بمعنى أنة يصلح ليكون ملخص سريع و كامل لمن اراد ان يراجع معلوماتة أو يضيق لها بدون الخوض فى تفاصيل كثيرة
عدد صفحات الكتاب 123 صفحة بالأنجليزية
رابط الكتاب
و شكراgrin: المصدر: منظمة الفاو منظمة الاغذية والزراعة بالامم المتحدةالفيتامينات لها اهمية حيويه فى الجسم للانسان وقد اعجبنى ذلك الكتاب واتمنى ان يعجبكم وتستفيدوا منه وهو اجزاء على هيئة pdf وكذلك مرجع جيد للبحث وبلغة انجليزية ممتازه وسهلة وقد ادرجت فى سابق موضوع الفيتامينات فيعتبر اكمال لذلك الموضوع ولكن فى صورة مرجع انجليزى وهو الصورة المتعارف عليها
واليك رابط :
~¤ô¦¦§¦¦ô¤~ التحميل ~¤ô¦¦§¦¦ô¤~الاضافات الغذائية بعض الدول ما يحرم بعض الاضافات للاغذية و بعضها يضع المعايير الخاصة لذلك حتى يحافظ على سلامة المستهلك
الكتاب للتحميل
وكتاب COMPENDIUM OF FOOD ADDITIVE SPECIFICATIONS اخر فى الموقع gتيب رائع لتصنيع الجبن بالطرق التقليدية كما كنا نتعلمها بالكلية و ليس الطريقة الصناعية المطبقة بالمصانع و بة بعض الوصفات لبعض انواع الجبن التقليدى الكتيب حوالى 50 صفحة به جزأ على الأساس العلمى ورائع.
رابط الكتيب
و محتوى الكتاب كالتالى
List of figures
Milk composition
Clean milk production
Cheese and cheesemaking
Milk coagulants
Whey utilisation
Cheesemaking in Africa
Cheesemaking recipes
Wara, Woagachi
White cheese
Other cheese varieties
Lactic curd cheese
Gybna beyda
Useful references
و هناك بالموقع الأساسى نفسة مجموعة من الكتب أو الموضوعات مابين الألبان و الأنتاج الحيوانى فى الرابط التالى
و شكرا
يارب تعجبكوا لو عجابتكوا أدعولى لأن أمتحناتى يوم السبت و ربنا يستر أخر تيرم بقى و لو معجابتكوش بلاش تدعوا عليا
و شكرا على مروركم ( ( ( ( ( (تهتم منظمة الفاو او منظمة الاغذية والزراعة بصحة المستهلك للغذاء وتصدر تقارير وكتيبات تحتوى على اسا كل مادة وتعريفها وكذلك اهم استخدامتها فى الاغذيةوالزراعة واليكم الكتيب التالى بعنوان المدعمات الحيوية فى الاغذية يحتوى على (الخواص الصحية والغذائية للبروبيوتك فى اللبن البودر مع بكتريا حمض الاكتيك ):
تعريف البروبيوتك
تاريخ البروبيوتك فى الاغذية
البروبيوتك المستخدمه بواسطة الانسان
تقسيم البروبيوتك
الامان للبروبيوتك
منتجات المحتوية على البروبيوتك
الحسابات والتوصيات
الكتيب للتحميل (تقرير المنظمة الفاو 2006 عن تقدير المدعمات الحيوية فى الغذاء
للتحميل فى صورة PDF هام ( ( ( ( ( ( (
pass: tFDETALINFO.rar ( (
Until now, books addressing Halal issues have focused on helping Muslim consumers decide what to eat and what to avoid among products currently on the marketplace. There was no resource that the food industry could refer to that provided the guidelines necessary to meet the Halal requirements of Muslim consumers in the U.S. and abroad. Halal Food Production answers this need by summarizing the fundamentals of Halal food production, serving as a valuable reference for food scientists, food manufacturers, and other food industry professionals. This text delivers a wealth of information about Halal food laws and regulations, guidelines for food production, domestic and international food markets, and trade and import requirements for various countries. Both authors are food scientists who have practical experience in Halal food requirements and Halal certification. For persons targeting the Halal food market for the first time, this book is particularly valuable, providing understanding of how to properly select, process, and deliver foods. In light of the increasing worldwide demand for Halal food service, branded packaged food, and direct-marketed items, this volume is more than an expert academic resource, it is a beneficial tool for developing new and promising revenue streams.كتاب راااااااااااائع وبسيط فيه كل مكونات الاغذية وتقسيمتها واهميتها (
Introduction (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/introduction.html)
Why You Need Food (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/whyYouNeedFood.html)
Energy (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/energy.html)
Protein (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/protein.html)
Fat (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/fat.html)
Carbohydrates (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/carbohydrates.html)
Fiber (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/fiber.html)
Vitamins (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/vitamin.html)
Minerals (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/minerals.html)
Phytochemicals (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/phytochemicals.html)
Food Lists (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/howtoUsefoodlist.html)
Vegetables (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/foodlist.html)
Fruits (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/fruits.html)
Whole Grains (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/wholegrains.html)
Beans (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/beans.html)
Nuts and Seeds (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/nuts.html)
Soy Products (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/soys_products.html)
Seafood (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/seafoods.html)
Dairy Products (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/dairy_products.html)
Herbs & Spices (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/herbs_spice_and_seasionings.html)
Special Situations (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/special_situations.html)
Diabetics (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/special_situations.html)
Heart Health (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/hearts_problems.html)
Overweight (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/overweights.html)
Children (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/children.html)
Seniors (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/seniors.html)
Athletes (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/athletes_and_active_teens.html)
Pregnant (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/pregnants.html)
Too Thin (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/wants_to_gain_weights.html)
Restaurants (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/eat_in_restaurant_often.html)
Too Busy (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/just_to_busy_in_healthy_eatings.htm l)
Using Whole Grains (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/using_whole_grains.html)
Recipes (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/recipes.html)
Spice Blends (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/spice_blends.html)
Main Dishes (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/main_dishes.html)
Soups (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/soup_stews.html)
Salads (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/salads.html)
Desserts & Snacks (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/deserts_snacks_condiments.html)
References (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/references.html)
اتمنى يعجبكم ors_0849315433.rar.html ( (
التدعيم فى الاغذية له اهمية تكنولوجية وغذائية عاليه حيث يقدر على تحسين الصفات الجودة والغذائية للمنتج واليكم الكتاب التالى عن التدعيم ارجو ان يعجبكم
:كتاب رائع صراحة على الرغم من أن أسمة يشير انة للأنتاج فى الريف و لكن الكتاب يتناقش بأسلوب علمى فى الموضوعات التالية
1. Introduction
2. Milk as a food
3. The composition of milk
3.1 Genetic factors
3.1.1 Breed and individuality of the cow
3.2 Environmental factors
3.2.1 Interval between milkings
3.2.2 Stage of lactation
3.2.3 Age and health
3.2.4 Feeding regime
3.2.5 Completeness of milking
4. Milk chemistry
4.1 Physical status of milk
4.1.1 Ionic solutions
4.1.2 Molecular solutions
4.1.3 Colloids
4.1.4 Emulsions
4.1.5 Dispersions
4.2 pH and acidity
4.2.1 Buffer solutions
4.3 Milk constituents
4.3.1 Fat
4.3.2 Proteins
4.3.3 Carbohydrates
4.3.4 Minor milk constituents
5. Microbiology
5.1 Bacteria
5.1.1 Bacterial growth
5.1.2 Factors affecting bacterial growth
5.1.3 Bacteria in milk
5.2 Moulds
5.3 Yeasts
5.4 Viruses
5.5 Milk microbiology
5.5.1 Pasteurisation
5.5.2 Sterilisation
5.6 Microbiology of butter
5.6.1 Sources of contamination
5.6.2 Control of micro-organisms in butter
6. Clean milk production
6.1 Sources of contamination
6.1.1 The interior of the udder
6.1.2 The cow as a source of pathogens
6.1.3 Milking utensils
6.1.4 Miscellaneous sources of bacteria in milk
6.2 Cooling milk
7. Milk reception, dairy accounting and record keeping
7.1 Reception
7.1.1 Quality
7.1.2 Quantity
7.1.3 Composition of milk
7.1.4 Adulteration of milk
7.2. Dairy accounting and record keeping
7.2.1 Milk quantity and quality
7.2.2 Processing records
7.2.3 Records of product quality and sales
7.2.4 Suggested formats for records of milk intake, payment
and utilisation
8. Milk processing
8.1 Milk separation
8.1.1 Gravity separation
8.1.2 Centrifugal separation
8.1.3 Hand separator
8.1.4 Separator maintenance
8.1.5 Calculations
8.1.6 Standardisation of milk and cream
8.2 Buttermaking with fresh milk or cream
8.2.1 Buttermaking theory
8.2.2 Theory of the mechanism of churning
8.2.3 Churn preparation
8.2.4 Churning temperature
8.2.5 Washing the butter
8.2.6 Salting, working and packing the butter
8.2.7 Washing the churn and buttermaking equipment after use
8.2.8 Overrun and produce in buttermaking
8.2.9 Butter quality
8.3 Buttermaking with sour whole milk
8.3.1 Buttermaking
8.4 Ghee, butter oil and dry butterfat
8.5 Cheesemaking using fresh milk
8.5.1 Rennet coagulation theory
8.5.2 Cheese varieties
8.5.3 Cheese yield
8.6 Cheesemaking with sour skim milk
8.7 Milk fermentations
8.7.1 Fermented milks
8.7.2 Concentrated fermented milk
9. Cleaning, sanitising and sterilising dairy equipment
9.1 Dairy water supplies
9.1.1 Bacteriological quality
9.1.2 Chemical quality
9.1.3 Water softeners
9.2 Chemicals used for cleaning
9.2.1 Sterilisers
9.3 Cleaning procedure
10. Sampling and analysis of milk, milk products and water
10.1 Sampling
10.2 Milk pH
10.2.1 Measuring pH using indicator
10.2.2 Electrometric measurement of pH
10.3 Titratable acidity test
10.3.1 Using N/10 sodium hydroxide
10.3.2 Using N/9 sodium hydroxide (milk)
10.3.3 Using N/9 sodium hydroxide (cream)
10.4 Alcohol
10.5 Clot-on-boiling test
10.6 Fat determination
10.6.1 Milk
10.6.2 Skim milk, buttermilk and whey
10.6.3 Cream
10.6.4 Cheese
10.7 Specific gravity of milk
10.8 Total solids (TS) in milk
10.8.1 Lactometer method
10.8.2 Oven-drying method
10.9 Formaldehyde in milk
10.10 Methylene blue reduction test
10.11 Resazurin 10-minute test
10.12 Sediment or visible dirt test
10.13 Moisture content of butter
10.14 Salt content of butter
10.15 Protein content of milk by formaldehyde titration
10.16 Estimation of hardness in water
10.16.1 Temporary hardness
10.16.2 Permanent hardness
10.16.3 Water-testing tablets
11. Dairy building design and construction
11.1 Site selection
11.1.1 Water supply
11.1.2 Land
11.1.3 Other buildings
11.1.4 Proximity to the road
11.1.5 Effluent disposal
11.2 Type of building
11.2.1 Construction materials
11.3 Arrangement and installation of equipment
11.3.1 Arrangement
لو نظرت الى المحتوى تجد انة محتوى رائع فى عدد قليل من الصفحات فى ذكر بأيجاز و لكن معلومات كاملة بمعنى أنة يصلح ليكون ملخص سريع و كامل لمن اراد ان يراجع معلوماتة أو يضيق لها بدون الخوض فى تفاصيل كثيرة
عدد صفحات الكتاب 123 صفحة بالأنجليزية
رابط الكتاب
و شكراgrin: المصدر: منظمة الفاو منظمة الاغذية والزراعة بالامم المتحدةالفيتامينات لها اهمية حيويه فى الجسم للانسان وقد اعجبنى ذلك الكتاب واتمنى ان يعجبكم وتستفيدوا منه وهو اجزاء على هيئة pdf وكذلك مرجع جيد للبحث وبلغة انجليزية ممتازه وسهلة وقد ادرجت فى سابق موضوع الفيتامينات فيعتبر اكمال لذلك الموضوع ولكن فى صورة مرجع انجليزى وهو الصورة المتعارف عليها
واليك رابط :
~¤ô¦¦§¦¦ô¤~ التحميل ~¤ô¦¦§¦¦ô¤~الاضافات الغذائية بعض الدول ما يحرم بعض الاضافات للاغذية و بعضها يضع المعايير الخاصة لذلك حتى يحافظ على سلامة المستهلك
الكتاب للتحميل
وكتاب COMPENDIUM OF FOOD ADDITIVE SPECIFICATIONS اخر فى الموقع gتيب رائع لتصنيع الجبن بالطرق التقليدية كما كنا نتعلمها بالكلية و ليس الطريقة الصناعية المطبقة بالمصانع و بة بعض الوصفات لبعض انواع الجبن التقليدى الكتيب حوالى 50 صفحة به جزأ على الأساس العلمى ورائع.
رابط الكتيب
و محتوى الكتاب كالتالى
List of figures
Milk composition
Clean milk production
Cheese and cheesemaking
Milk coagulants
Whey utilisation
Cheesemaking in Africa
Cheesemaking recipes
Wara, Woagachi
White cheese
Other cheese varieties
Lactic curd cheese
Gybna beyda
Useful references
و هناك بالموقع الأساسى نفسة مجموعة من الكتب أو الموضوعات مابين الألبان و الأنتاج الحيوانى فى الرابط التالى
و شكرا
يارب تعجبكوا لو عجابتكوا أدعولى لأن أمتحناتى يوم السبت و ربنا يستر أخر تيرم بقى و لو معجابتكوش بلاش تدعوا عليا
و شكرا على مروركم ( ( ( ( ( (تهتم منظمة الفاو او منظمة الاغذية والزراعة بصحة المستهلك للغذاء وتصدر تقارير وكتيبات تحتوى على اسا كل مادة وتعريفها وكذلك اهم استخدامتها فى الاغذيةوالزراعة واليكم الكتيب التالى بعنوان المدعمات الحيوية فى الاغذية يحتوى على (الخواص الصحية والغذائية للبروبيوتك فى اللبن البودر مع بكتريا حمض الاكتيك ):
تعريف البروبيوتك
تاريخ البروبيوتك فى الاغذية
البروبيوتك المستخدمه بواسطة الانسان
تقسيم البروبيوتك
الامان للبروبيوتك
منتجات المحتوية على البروبيوتك
الحسابات والتوصيات
الكتيب للتحميل (تقرير المنظمة الفاو 2006 عن تقدير المدعمات الحيوية فى الغذاء
للتحميل فى صورة PDF هام ( ( ( ( ( ( (
pass: tFDETALINFO.rar ( (
Until now, books addressing Halal issues have focused on helping Muslim consumers decide what to eat and what to avoid among products currently on the marketplace. There was no resource that the food industry could refer to that provided the guidelines necessary to meet the Halal requirements of Muslim consumers in the U.S. and abroad. Halal Food Production answers this need by summarizing the fundamentals of Halal food production, serving as a valuable reference for food scientists, food manufacturers, and other food industry professionals. This text delivers a wealth of information about Halal food laws and regulations, guidelines for food production, domestic and international food markets, and trade and import requirements for various countries. Both authors are food scientists who have practical experience in Halal food requirements and Halal certification. For persons targeting the Halal food market for the first time, this book is particularly valuable, providing understanding of how to properly select, process, and deliver foods. In light of the increasing worldwide demand for Halal food service, branded packaged food, and direct-marketed items, this volume is more than an expert academic resource, it is a beneficial tool for developing new and promising revenue streams.كتاب راااااااااااائع وبسيط فيه كل مكونات الاغذية وتقسيمتها واهميتها (
Introduction (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/introduction.html)
Why You Need Food (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/whyYouNeedFood.html)
Energy (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/energy.html)
Protein (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/protein.html)
Fat (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/fat.html)
Carbohydrates (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/carbohydrates.html)
Fiber (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/fiber.html)
Vitamins (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/vitamin.html)
Minerals (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/minerals.html)
Phytochemicals (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/phytochemicals.html)
Food Lists (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/howtoUsefoodlist.html)
Vegetables (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/foodlist.html)
Fruits (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/fruits.html)
Whole Grains (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/wholegrains.html)
Beans (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/beans.html)
Nuts and Seeds (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/nuts.html)
Soy Products (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/soys_products.html)
Seafood (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/seafoods.html)
Dairy Products (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/dairy_products.html)
Herbs & Spices (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/herbs_spice_and_seasionings.html)
Special Situations (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/special_situations.html)
Diabetics (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/special_situations.html)
Heart Health (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/hearts_problems.html)
Overweight (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/overweights.html)
Children (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/children.html)
Seniors (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/seniors.html)
Athletes (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/athletes_and_active_teens.html)
Pregnant (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/pregnants.html)
Too Thin (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/wants_to_gain_weights.html)
Restaurants (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/eat_in_restaurant_often.html)
Too Busy (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/just_to_busy_in_healthy_eatings.htm l)
Using Whole Grains (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/using_whole_grains.html)
Recipes (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/recipes.html)
Spice Blends (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/spice_blends.html)
Main Dishes (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/main_dishes.html)
Soups (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/soup_stews.html)
Salads (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/salads.html)
Desserts & Snacks (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/deserts_snacks_condiments.html)
References (file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/SCORPIONE/Desktop/references.html)
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